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A Message From The Alumni Association President: The Alumni Association is Independent

Alumni Association

Unlike many Alumni Associations, our Alumni Association is an independent organization that is separate from the medical school. We have our own board and our own tax-exempt status. Our employees are not employees of Downstate.

This is important because when you support your Alumni Association you are contributing to an organization that is run by fellow alumni. We have discretion and flexibility as to how we allocate money to medical students. We give scholarships, grants, iPads, white coats, help support free clinics run by medical students, support student research, help fund student educational experiences that enhance student education, student travel to present their scientific research and many other activities.

Our ability to improve the student experience at Downstate helps make our students more competitive in competing for residences, easing their financial burdens and reducing their post-education debts are the purposes of our charitable mission.

Our second goal is to enhance the interaction and communication between our alumni. We do this through social media and are expanding our role in this area. We are working towards enabling you to contact and communicate with your classmates.

To accomplish our goals we rely on both previous contributions that have been invested and donations. Our potential to help depends on the generosity of our alumni.  If life has been good to you give back to the alumni association so that we can help our current students. If you were the beneficiary of funds from the Alumni Association, remember that you were once a medical student in need of help and now give back and help a current medical student.

We have an upcoming internet-based auction where you can make a purchase and contribute to the alumni fund. Our Annual Gala is on May 18, 2019, at the Brooklyn Marriott. We will have a silent auction, a magician to entertain you, a great band and typical affair food.

Come join us, place an ad in our journal, connect with fellow alumni and visit the New Brooklyn.

I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible. We are looking for sponsors of regional alumni events. If you are interested please contact me or the Alumni Office.

My term as Alumni President is coming to an end and next month will be my last newsletter.

It is my goal to finish my term with a stronger and more generous Alumni Association. With your help that will happen.


Michael T. Goldstein, M.D., J.D.

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 ©2020 by Alumni Association - College of Medicine Suny Downstate 

450 Clarkson Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11203

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