SUNY Downstate News: October 2020
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October 12th: Indigenous Peoples Day
SUNY Downstate Announcements:
October 5th: Alumni and Founding Dean, Dean Emeritus, and Distinguished Service Professor in the School of Public Health, Pascal Imperato, MD' 62 detailed his experience during the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic in a BBC News article published on September 21, 2020.
To read the BBC article click here.
October 19th: SUNY Downstate President Dr. Wayne J. Riley recently announced the Harry Weinrauch Scholarship in honor of the late Harry Weinrauch, MD' 54. The partial four-year scholarship was awarded to four COM students. "The students selected were those whose character most closely aligned with Dr. Weinrauch’s humanity and who intend to use their medical education to care for and help heal patients as a calling, rather than simply pursuing a career in medicine.
To read more click here.