SUNY Downstate Reunion May 19-20, 2017
An invitation to the SUNY Downstate medical classes of ’57 through ’12 (all years ending in sevens and twos).
As you plan your 2017 getaways, mark down a visit to Brooklyn in May. We’ll eat, drink, dance, award achievements, hear and deliver scientific lectures (for CME credit), and reconnect over the course of a weekend at the New York Marriott, Brooklyn Bridge.
We’re finalizing a few details, but right now, you can:
Volunteer to be a Reunion Class Chair for your class year. Let us know your achievements, or nominate another alumni in a reunion year for an award. Click here for a 2017 Alumni Awards Nomination Sheet. Let us know if you would like to speak for the Scientific Session, or nominate a classmate. Click here for a Scientific Speaker Form.Buy an ad in the 2017 Reunion Journal. The journal will serve as a program for the entire weekend, and contain award bios and more. Click here for a 2017 Journal Agreement for Class Funds.
Call 718-270-2075, email alumni(at), for more information, or write: SUNY Downstate Alumni Association – College of Medicine 450 Clarkson Ave. Room BSB 1-6 Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098
Alumni support for medical education since 1850. Give today!
In the 150-plus years since the College of Medicine was founded, there have been over 10,000 medical school graduates. By making a gift you help secure our continued role, because change begins here!
White Coat Ceremony 2015, one of many student programs funded by alumni
Connect with SUNY Downstate Medical Alumni on Twitter!